Switching Jobs
Switching Jobs
Switching jobs is a process not a task. Everyone familiar with the feeling of discomfort of any kind or having a new opportunity that excites us coming up has felt this before. And while one wants to directly jump in and switch, it’s not something easily done. There are multiple factors to it, one might be the process of leaving a company or it might be a longer time of struggling and inwardly quitting until you cut ties.
Pandemic times don’t make this process easier and even when you have resigned from your current position, there’s still some time left where one (usually) keeps working for the previous gig before one can actually leave and start something new.
I am extremely fortunate to have worked for Pivotal for the past 5 years and having met wonderful people and felt to be at the right time at the right spot. Things come to an end however and I recently went through a process described earlier. So I am extremely excited to announce I am joining Confluent starting December!