
Watchmaker includes enormous loading indicator

H. Moser & Cie released another watch resembling the look of an Apple Watch with their Final Upgrade. While I am a huge fan of mechanical watches it’s somewhat ironical to me to see a watch maker confusing time measuring with waiting for it to never end. From wikipedia: A throbber is an animated graphical control element used to show that a computer program is performing an action in the background (such as downloading content, conducting intensive calculations or communicating with an external device).

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Switching Jobs

Switching Jobs Switching jobs is a process not a task. Everyone familiar with the feeling of discomfort of any kind or having a new opportunity that excites us coming up has felt this before. And while one wants to directly jump in and switch, it’s not something easily done. There are multiple factors to it, one might be the process of leaving a company or it might be a longer time of struggling and inwardly quitting until you cut ties.

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Completing the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam

I am really excited to have my Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam completed. While I do not recommend anyone to have their internet connectivity dropping in an exam [sic], it worked out for me in the end and having this completed was a great experience. It’s a very thorough exam, which tackles your knowledge of the various topics Core Concepts Multi-Container Pods Pod Design Configuration Oberservability Services and Networking State persistence as well as your ability to work quickly with an eye to the detail.

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Apple's Statement on the rejection of Hey App from Basecamp founders

Apple, writing to Basecamp Founders David Heinemeier-Hanson and Jason Fried: Thank you for being an iOS app developer. We understand that Basecamp has developed a number of apps and many subsequent versions for the App Store for many years, and that the App Store has distributed millions of these apps to iOS users. These apps do not offer in-app purchase — and, consequently, have not contributed any revenue to the App Store over the last eight years.

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